Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Unity...why would we unify

Friends, as we remember the wonderful achievements we may make from day to day in world, might we also remember that we have a significant responsibility to those who might not have our opportunities. Let us remember those who have died young, or poor of spirit, or those whose lives have been inundated and plagued by war or famine. Might we take time, just a minute, to pray for unity in our world, and strive for it ourselves. Might we consider what it means to be unified. Might our great fortunes, our freedom and way of life, our wonderful weather, our supportive friends and family be more of a reason for us to desire unity with God and one another than less – lest we take advantage of these things, and they hold us back from remembering our wider world’s needs. Who knows where this simple prayer might lead us...

God, may our souls quiver with delight in knowing you.
May our lives be renewed in meeting you.
May our love be complete and unified, in you and one another; and may all whom we meet, meet us and know that you are love and unity. Amen.

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